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British man charged with acting on behalf of Russia in plot to torch Ukrainian

来源:International Investigation news portal编辑:health时间:2024-04-27 03:45:15

LONDON (AP) — A British man accused of plotting to torch a London business connected to Ukraine has been charged with conducting hostile activity to benefit Russia, prosecutors said Friday.

Dylan Earl, 20, is connected to Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, which the U.K. government has declared a banned terrorist organization, prosecutors said.

Earl is accused of fraudulent activity, research and reconnaissance of targets, and attempting to recruit others to assist a foreign intelligence service carrying out activities in the U.K.

“Included in the alleged activity was involvement in the planning of an arson attack on a Ukrainian-linked commercial property in March,” said Nick Price, head of the Crown Prosecution Service Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division.

He allegedly planned and paid others to burn down two industrial properties in east London on March 20.

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